Picture courtesy of Mogu Tree and Noodle House FB |
Food blog again! :)
October 24, the boyfriend promised me he'd accompany me at derma today for my check-up and I also invited my college friends to visit Momsie Kitty Spa in Marikina. We convoyed all the way from Tomas Morato to Marikina after my check-up. Long drive, I've fallen asleep all the way there.
Arriving at Marikina, where Momsie Kitty is located and also the boyfriend's workplace we decided to grab a lunch first coz I was real hungry and just containing my hunger on the drive way there. The boyfriend took us to Mogu Tree Noodle House, it is where you can choose your own noodles and topping at a very affordable price of 140-170 pesos. I picked the egg noodles and chose crab stick and shrimp as my toppings, for my soup I ordered lhaksa soup. If you can't decide what noodles, soup and toppings to choose, just ask the 'tinderas' and they will sure to guide and tell you, they know everything on the table. After waiting for a few minutes, the noodles were served to us on a clay pot and voila! enjoy your noodles.

Next stop, we went to try Pink Chiffon (just next to Mogu Tree) for the desserts. I knew we were going to visit here today so I did a little research about the shop. I found out that 'Kris TV' already got here and tried out their best sellers, I took Kris' advice and ordered the Double Chocolate Mousse and the rest was picked by the boyfriend and my college friends, which I think were Oreo cheesecake, Red Velvet, Blueberry Cheesecake, and I don't know the other two (hehe), it was very moist and delicious specially the one that I chose. Cupcakes are for only 50 pesos, we ordered a box of 6 so its 300 pesos, wish I could have all of them, but maybe on my next visit. They also have pastas and cakes which I haven't yet tried (will be back here again for another review).

After Pink Chiffon, we went back to Momsie Kitty Spa coz it was already way past lunch time and the boyfriend has to get back to work plus the friends are going to have their very first try at the spa so we have to cut the food marathon. When we got there, a lot of clients has also started coming and the lobby was jam packed and was too crowded already (planning for space extension - badly needed). We took 'Daniel's room' instead and did the service there.

My food marathon with the boyfriend didn't stop at Pink Chiffon, coz when I'm still hungry he always attends to my tummy's needs, thus the cravings indeed. I'm always addicted with milk teas so I asked him if there was a shop nearby, and since we're in the part of Marikina were all kinds of food shops combined then the answer was yes. We went to 'Teaza Milk + Tea + Soda' which was just next to 'Pink Chiffon' (great place huh? How I wish I could always visit him at work). There were students, mostly, hangs-out at the place with their friends, just a small space but not that crowded. It was still new, whenever I get to try a new milk tea shop I always ask for their best sellers and the teller told me that their best seller was 'Winterdew' a combination of Wintermelon and Honeydew, the boyfriend chose an ordinary flavor which was Caramel Milk Tea. When we got our drinks (mine was colored green), took a sip and boy it is good indeed. Winterdew was truly their best seller, the boyfriend took a sip of mine and wished he also ordered the same. Would definitely be back here again (I cannot wait when). To tell all of you the truth, this would be the reason why I am going to visit him at work, prolly for the foods located around their shop and try each and everyone of it. The friends also decided to be back here just to try the other shops, and if you wish to know where this is located. Read on, streets and links will be posted below, and hope you can also stop by at Momsie Kitty Spa and Slimming Salon. Au Revoir! :)
Mogu Tree Noodle House
Location: 60E Lilac St. Hacienda Heights, 1811 Marikina City
Contact: 738-6833
Pink Chiffon Cakes and Cupcakes
Location: Lilac St. SSS Village, Concepcion Dos, Marikina City
Contact: 0917-8231027
Teaza Milk Tea Soda
Location: 48 Lilac St. SSS Village, Marikina City
Momsie Kitty Spa and Slimming Salon
Location: Sapphire cor. Carmine St. SSS Village, Concepcion 2, 1811 Marikina City
Contact: 956-0271